Monday 11 November 2013

The Deep Pan Pizza!

I was lucky enough to have a visit for my mum and Elvis (our dog) this week.  I was greeted by a very excited hairy mutt and some home comforts, including a lovely bottle of my dad’s legendary tomato sauce.  On receiving a jar of delicious tomato sauce, one’s typical culinary inclination would naturally be pasta.  

I’ll let you into a little secret - I don’t really like pasta!

I know what you’re thinking… ‘the world’s worst student’ … but it really doesn’t inspire me.  On the plus side, this minor foible means that you have to think a bit more creatively. And after a short deliberation, it came to me (like a flash in a pan)……….Deep Pan Pizza!  It’s possibly one of the most tasty and warming treats, and with this recipe, it’s also a cheap one.  There’s no need for those first time ‘dough’ nerves, as this recipe is so easy! And the endless lists of topping options provide comfort and joy as we enter the season of cheer and goodwill.  For this recipe I opted for a simple mozzarella, chorizo and basil combo, which never fails to satisfy.  As the late Steve Jobs once said ‘Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’.  Spend time selecting your toppings and I predict that you will be making this recipe every week.  But please take note…… when it comes to pizza topping, less is definitely more.


Makes one large pizza.

1 mug of self-raising flour
½ a mug of tepid water
A pinch of salt
Drizzle of olive oil
2 to 3 tbsp Tomato sauce/passata
1 chili
6 slices of chorizo
½ a ball of mozzarella
A few leaves of basil


    1.     Put the flour, water, salt and oil into a food processor and blitz until combined to form a sticky dough. 

   2.     Flour a clean surface and rolling pin, then roll out the dough until it’s about a 1 cm thick.

     3.     Place a large frying pan on full heat, dust with flour and drizzle with olive oil. Dust the top of your dough with flour and fold in half. Then move into the pan and unfold. Pre heat the grill.

    4. Cook the pizza base in the pan for a few minutes then evenly spread 2-3 tbsp of tomato sauce leaving a gap around the edge for the crust. Tear and evenly scatter the mozzarella, together with the chorizo and basil on top of the pizza base. Then place the pan under the grill for 4-5mins until the mozzarella  melts and is slightly golden.