Saturday 27 July 2013

The Barbecue Bash.

So I thought I would take full advantage of the hot weather and embrace it with the classic, but always, enjoyable BBQ. Chilling out in the cool of the evening with close friends and enjoying good food; what could be better than that? Well it all sounded great... until I remembered that with dinner parties, comes great responsibility (cooking and entertaining that is). Thanks to my fantastic mother (who has been pressing for a mention on the blog for ages) it was all possible. She did a great job on the 'organising and decorating', making it a perfect setting for the mexican inspired BBQ. So that just left me with all the preparing and cooking, thus I decided less was more. I focused on prawn and chicken kebabs and pork chops for the meat dishes and a few salads and dips for the sides, but boy was it enough! 

So fresh and so green.....

Oh Hey 

As you can see above my mum did a fantastic job on the table!
And those food nets, what a bloody fantastic idea, saves you the dreaded insect annoyance when eating alfresco. 

The Ultimate Mexican Salad.

 This lovely Mexican salad was inspired by a great show Mexican Food Made Simple (always showing on the food network), the only thing really to say about it is that its just a joy to eat. 

Serves 5 

1 large squash 

1 tin chickpeas 

2 big handfuls of spinach 

10/12 Cherry tomatoes 

3 garlic cloves

1 red onion 

1 pack fresh chorizo sausages 

1 bunch coriander 

olive oil 

2 tsp chilli flakes 

Salt & pepper for seasoning 

a few shavings of pecorino cheese 


1. Firstly chop the onion into long strips and place on the bottom of a large baking tray. 

2. Cut the squash into chunks and place on top of the onions along with the garlic cloves and cherry tomatoes.  

3. Sprinkle with chilli flakes and drizzle with olive oil. Place in an oven for 30mins at about 200 degrees. 

4. Now chop the coriander finely and place in a pestle and mortar along with a good pinch of salt. Work it together until you get a paste, at this point add a decent glug of olive oil and then mix together until you have a dressing. Then set aside. 

5. After the squash has been in the oven for about 20mins you need to start cooking the chorizo. Butterfly the sausages then place them into a hot griddle pan for 5 mins either side. 

6. Lay the spinach on the bottom for your serving bowl, then place the squash, tomatoes and chorizo on top. 

7.  Drain a can of chickpeas and and scatter on the salad. 

8. Lastly drizzle your coriander oil and place the shavings of cheese on top.  

 The Salsa. 


8 large tomatoes 

1 large chilli

1 red onion 

2 cloves of garlic 

1 bunch coriander 

1 lime 

olive oil 

Salt and pepper 


1. Chop the onions and tomatoes in half and place in a hot frying pan along with the whole chilli and garlic cloves. 

2. Cook until browned and soft then blitz in a food processor. Don't over blend, you want to retain a chunky texture. Then add chopped coriander and the juice of the lime. 

3. Finally add a pinch of salt and pepper and a drizzle of olive oil.  



3 ripe avocados 

1 large tomato 

2 spring onions 

1 bunch coriander 

2 limes 

1 green chilli 

salt & pepper 


1. Chop the avocados and tomato and place in a large bowl. 

2. Finely chop the spring onions and chilli. Then add to bowl and combine while mashing slightly with a fork. 

3. Add the juice of  2 limes and roughly chopped coriander. Finally, season with salt and pepper to taste and combine thoroughly.  

Meat ( with halloumi for my veggie friends) !

So I thought I would just share the marinade recipes as I reckoned you all know how to BBQ. I should also add the longer you leave the meat to marinade the better. 

Chicken /Pork Marinade 
 Juice of one lemon 

a good pinch of salt and pepper 

a good pinch of oregano 

olive oil 

chilli flakes 

Finely chopped clove of garlic  


1 finely chopped green chilli 

a small knob of fresh ginger  

Juice of 1 lime 

pinch of salt. 


Thursday 18 July 2013

Muffin Top Free Muffins...

These raspberry and white chocolate muffins are delightful! The chocolate hits your sweet tooth, while the raspberry sharpens the taste, to give a light and refreshing tea time snack. The guilt that normally proceeds can play on ones mind for hours, however since these muffins have no butter there is no need for that guilt factor. 


Makes 15  

400g self-raising flower 

175ml sunflower oil 

175ml skimmed milk  

175g caster sugar 

2 large eggs 

1/2 tsp baking powder 

100g white chocolate chopped

100g raspberries  

50g macadamia nuts chopped 

1. Pre-heat the oven to 170 degrees.
2. Place the sieved floor, baking powder and sugar into a mixing bowl. 

3. Add the raspberries, chocolate and nuts into the dry ingredients. 

4. In a separate bowl whisk together the eggs, milk and oil. Then slowly add this to the dry ingredients and gently mix till its all combined. 

5. Line a muffin tray with muffin cases and fill them 3/4 full, place in the oven for 25-30mins until risen and golden. 

6. Leave to cool. 

Monday 15 July 2013

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside....

London in this weather is an absolute nightmare! The humidity gets to even the strongest of Londoners and the only salvation is the parks (thank god for green space) and the air conditioning that chills you instantly when you step inside a shop. Fortunately enough however I managed to escape the London heat trap and go to West Mersea (Essex) for a lovely day by the seaside! Just a 2 hour drive out of London, this small town, with its long lovely beaches (when the tide is out) and fantastically fresh sea food is definitely worth visiting. The average age of the people visiting West Mersea was around 70 (saga heaven). As I like peace and calm its a perfect destination for me! 

The lovely long beach, but avoid going during the high tide as the beach does slowly start to disappear! 

 Like all foodies the highlight of any trip is always where you end up eating. So for me the promise of a seafood platter was enough to have me sold on the place! West Mersea is known for its Colchester oysters, thus there are many an opportunity to taste those slimy salty delights. Where we ended up eating however did a variety of different fishy meals, including the classic fish and chips (yum yum) and grilled lobster if you fancied treating yourself. We decided on the mixed seafood platter which you can get for any number of people (great food for sharing) which included chilli prawns, crayfish (my favourite and sustainable), mussels, cockles, dressed crab, smoked mackerel, sardines, smoked salmon and sweet cured herrings. Safe to say there was something for everyone, if you like fish that is. The restaurant, 'West Mersea Oyster Bar', is very unassuming and has a relaxing non fuss vibe. The restaurant looks like a glorified shed with canteen like seating inside, but the real diamond feature is the outside seating (good for those dog walking), right on the sea front looking over the anchored boats, its just the place to enjoy the fresh fish. 

What was left (with help from Elvis, our dog)! 

and Elvis begging for more.... 

 Once lunch was over a long walk on the beach was needed! With Elvis loving the cooling sea.  


To end the day perfectly we decided to stuff ourselves further by purchasing an ice cream. My frozen delight of choice was elderflower and lime, which was possibly the best flavour combination I have ever eaten! 

And finely some wise words.....  

Friday 12 July 2013


Is it not always the case with hot weather that you spend months moaning about the cold and when the heat finally arrives you're sick of it within days? With this temperature rise comes the craving for al things cool and refreshing i.e. Thai-slaw! This refreshing and tasty salad requires minimum time around a stove (it can get way too heated at times) and no meat (thus avoiding meats sweats!. It also makes a great accompaniment to a light meat dish (if your daring enough).  

Inspired by

Serves 4 


2 handfulls bean sprouts 
3 large carrots 
4 spring onions 
1/2 cucumber 
2 red peppers 
1 radicchio 
1 kohlrabi 
1 handful fresh mint 
2 handfulls fresh coriander 
1/2 lime for zest   
1 handful fresh cashew nuts 


2 limes juiced 
1tbsp tamarind paste 
1 tbsp fish sauce 
1 tbsp brown sugar 
1 tbsp sesame seed oil 
1/2 green chilli finely chopped 
a few cashews finely chopped  
1 tsp grated ginger 


1. Firstly using a mandolin (but not necessary, will just take longer using a knife) chop the peppers, carrots and the peeled kohlrabi. Once this is all in strips add to a large mixing bowl. 

2. Peel the cucumber and remove the seeds in the centre, then chop into slices and add to the bowl along with the bean sprouts then put to one side.

3. For the dressing place all ingredients into a pestle and mortar and mix till combined. Have a taste and adjust if needed. 

4. Chop the radicchio into strips and add to the mixing bowl along with the dressing. Toss it all together and leave to one side. 

5. Heat a dry pan and add the coarsely chopped cashews for around 3mins, tossing occasionally until lightly toasted and then set aside to cool. 

6. Add the lime vest and coarsely chopped coriander and mint to the salad then place into the serving bowl, finely sprinkling the toasted cashew nuts over the top.  

Sunday 7 July 2013

The Italian Food Diary

What can I say about Italian food, I love it. When a chance crops up to go on holiday and experience the foodie delights of another culture who can say no.... especially when its Italy. From many visits over the years to different provinces, the most important food fact I have noted is that pizza and pasta is not all Italy has to offer. For me this great country really understands how to celebrate food, to appreciate local produce and to tweak and perfect century old traditions.  
I was able to try a variety of differing foods from rolled beef with roast potatoes in Turin to monkfish with fresh panfried tomatoes in Venice. However probably one the most rewarding experiences from the holiday was being able to expand on my knowledge of cooking through my dads teaching. 

Just some of the fantastic delis and cafes that line Turin's streets.  

The ideal holiday breakfast.

For me nothing can beat a fruit salad in the morning. The vibrant colours and the sweet fresh taste sets you up for the day perfectly. We were lucky enough to have a fantastic variation of fruit available to us, including figs, cherries and possibly the tastiest melon ever. 

Grilled Monkfish and Tomatoes. 

I have to admit I'm not cheeses biggest fan however, my eyes have been opened by robiola (its bloody lovely).  

 Just a light lunch...

Ricotta Pudding.

This is a very simple and lovely dessert literally takes 5mins preparation and 0mins cooking time! 

 300g Fresh ricotta. 
50g Nuts of your choice coarsely chopped. 
30g Raisins coarsely chopped. 
1tbsp Honey. 
1 cube of dark chocolate for dusting. 

1. Stir the honey in with the ricotta, making sure is been evenly distributed. At this point have a taste and adjust the sweetness if needed. 
2. Combine the nuts and rains and spoon into a cup. 
3. Finely, grate the chocolate over the top.