Thursday 18 July 2013

Muffin Top Free Muffins...

These raspberry and white chocolate muffins are delightful! The chocolate hits your sweet tooth, while the raspberry sharpens the taste, to give a light and refreshing tea time snack. The guilt that normally proceeds can play on ones mind for hours, however since these muffins have no butter there is no need for that guilt factor. 


Makes 15  

400g self-raising flower 

175ml sunflower oil 

175ml skimmed milk  

175g caster sugar 

2 large eggs 

1/2 tsp baking powder 

100g white chocolate chopped

100g raspberries  

50g macadamia nuts chopped 

1. Pre-heat the oven to 170 degrees.
2. Place the sieved floor, baking powder and sugar into a mixing bowl. 

3. Add the raspberries, chocolate and nuts into the dry ingredients. 

4. In a separate bowl whisk together the eggs, milk and oil. Then slowly add this to the dry ingredients and gently mix till its all combined. 

5. Line a muffin tray with muffin cases and fill them 3/4 full, place in the oven for 25-30mins until risen and golden. 

6. Leave to cool. 

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