Sunday 7 July 2013

The Italian Food Diary

What can I say about Italian food, I love it. When a chance crops up to go on holiday and experience the foodie delights of another culture who can say no.... especially when its Italy. From many visits over the years to different provinces, the most important food fact I have noted is that pizza and pasta is not all Italy has to offer. For me this great country really understands how to celebrate food, to appreciate local produce and to tweak and perfect century old traditions.  
I was able to try a variety of differing foods from rolled beef with roast potatoes in Turin to monkfish with fresh panfried tomatoes in Venice. However probably one the most rewarding experiences from the holiday was being able to expand on my knowledge of cooking through my dads teaching. 

Just some of the fantastic delis and cafes that line Turin's streets.  

The ideal holiday breakfast.

For me nothing can beat a fruit salad in the morning. The vibrant colours and the sweet fresh taste sets you up for the day perfectly. We were lucky enough to have a fantastic variation of fruit available to us, including figs, cherries and possibly the tastiest melon ever. 

Grilled Monkfish and Tomatoes. 

I have to admit I'm not cheeses biggest fan however, my eyes have been opened by robiola (its bloody lovely).  

 Just a light lunch...

Ricotta Pudding.

This is a very simple and lovely dessert literally takes 5mins preparation and 0mins cooking time! 

 300g Fresh ricotta. 
50g Nuts of your choice coarsely chopped. 
30g Raisins coarsely chopped. 
1tbsp Honey. 
1 cube of dark chocolate for dusting. 

1. Stir the honey in with the ricotta, making sure is been evenly distributed. At this point have a taste and adjust the sweetness if needed. 
2. Combine the nuts and rains and spoon into a cup. 
3. Finely, grate the chocolate over the top. 

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