Wednesday 28 August 2013

Yoghurt Flatbreads with a Mushroom Ragout.

With more time on my hands recently, I've finally had an opportunity to start reading through my Dad's ever growing cookery book collection. I have always been a fan of Ottolenghi and as I read through his cook book 'Plenty',  I realised that when it comes to food, we share the same ethos. Otttolenghi's 'Plenty' celebrates the wondrous and versatile world of vegetables.  One particular recipe caught my eye...........  the yoghurt flatbreads with a mushroom and barley ragout.  As I scanned the recipe (i.e. looked at the pretty pictures) I thought to myself  'I have to eat this now'! It is a hugely dynamic dish as  the two key components can be equally enjoyed separately as they can together.  Mastering a good flatbread is a technique that can be used time and time again. They can be enjoyed with curries, stews, dips or just on their own! As for the ragout, I think it would be a great accompaniment to any meat. After making a few changes to the recipe, this simple and bloody delicious recipe is so worth a go.

Serves 6 as a starter 



140g wholemeal flour 

1.5 tsp baking powder 

1/2 tsp salt 

140g greek yoghurt 

3 tbsp fresh coriander finely chopped 

4 tbsp olive oil and/or melted butter 


70g pearl barley 

20g dried porcini mushrooms

180ml lukewarm water 

400g chestnut mushrooms quartered 

2 tbsp olive oil 

60g butter 

2 thyme springs  

2 garlic cloves crushed 

125ml white wine 

2tbsp chopped parsley 

1/2 tbsp finely chopped preserved lemon skin 

1 tbsp lemon juice 

 6tbsp greek yoghurt 

salt & pepper  


1. First things first, the flatbreads. Combine all the ingredients apart from the butter. Knead the dough for a minute or so, until it is smooth and uniform. Then wrap in cling film and chill in the fridge for at least an hour. 

2. For the ragout, rinse the barley. Place in a saucepan with plenty of fresh water. Simmer for 30-35 mins, until tender but still has a bite. 

3. As this is cooking, place the porcini mushrooms in a bowl and pour over the lukewarm water; set aside. Put the fresh mushrooms in a hot heavy based pan with the oil and half the butter along with the thyme. Sauté for 4mins. Once softened add garlic and wine allow to bubble for 5mins.  

3. Add the porcine mushrooms and their juices making sure you leave the last bit of liquid to avoid any grit being added. Then salt and pepper and leave to simmer on a low heat for 10mins. 

4. Lastly stir in the remaining butter with parsley, lemon, lemon juice and barley. Leave, and re-heat when you're frying the flat bread. 

5.  Separate the dough into six equal balls and role out into circles about 2mm thick. For frying the flatbread put the oil and butter in a frying pan on a high heat. When the butter is melted add the flatbreads one at a time. Fry for around 2mins either side until golden. Then to serve, place the ragout  on top of bread with a dollop of yoghurt and sprinkling of parsley. 

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